Friday, March 28, 2014

Between Blood has arrived

No boring title today. I'm way too excited to have Between Blood out in the world. I really like this book, probably because I think I went through every emotion possible when I wrote it. There's a bit of something for everyone in the fight to win Helena's heart. Well, maybe not everyone. Vampire haters probably won't like it because there are vampires in it, but I don't really think the supernatural part of things is up front in the book.

It's the tale of a young woman finding out life sucks sometimes. Okay, now you can see how my lack of sleep last night has made me slightly crazy. The book really focuses on two key parts in Helena's life that alter the woman she is. There are other big events mentioned, which probably shaped her just as much. It's told in two parts with potentially a time jump thrown in, because I'm telling you, Helena had some years in there that bored me to tears when she told me about them. I don't mind you crying over my books, but it better not be because you're bored.

My favorite character in the whole thing, aside from Helena, of course, is probably Cole. He's a man of few words, you'll get that joke if you read about him. I can't remember if I wrote when I first started writing about him how he was kind of unexpected, but if I didn't and said something else about him, I lied.

Just keep in mind while you're reading, it's a world I created and in such a world I am queen and anything I say goes. I don't think this one has as many twists as I tend to throw in, but there may be a surprise or two.

Anyway, away from books for a second. It's supposed to be nice this weekend, so hopefully I can get out on the motorcycle It would be really nice to clear my head after a couple of stressful days of work. I'm hoping to think of a title for my next project and I do some of my best thinking on the road. It's too bad I can't ride the motorcycle and type at the same time. I'll have to work on that. For now, I think I'll try to catch up on some sleep and pretend I didn't just about hit publish before including a least one link somewhere in this post to smashwords or amazon so you could check out the book.

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