Saturday, September 19, 2015

Let the nailbitting commence

I get easily nervous. That's pretty obvious to anyone who has ever spoken to me, right? And sitting here a couple of days before my contest entry for Game Misconduct has to be finalized, I'm biting my nails.

It's my first non-paranormal work, even though the first book I ever wrote didn't have blatant paranormal qualities, every book since has. Okay, there is that one other book that I got about a third of the way through that I had to shelf for one of my paranormal story lines. (Note to self, circle back to that book one day. It was going to be great.)

So, writing a book that could actually happen in real life is a little new for me. At least one of the topics in Game Misconduct wasn't though. I think I've shouted it from every roof top that I'm a hockey fan. That's probably why I made a hockey player the male lead in the story. It's something in real life I can relate to.

There are a lot of other parts of the book that I had to rely heavily on Internet research to try to get accurate. I was lucky enough that my critique partner for the story had experience in one of the aspects I did research on. When the book is published, there's going to be a hearty dedication made out to her for all her help.

She really helped me put all the polishing I could on a story that I really hope people will enjoy. I think it still has my sense of sarcasm laced through it, and you know it wouldn't be a story written by yours truly if there weren't some plot twists in there somewhere.

So, while I wait for the word whether it will move on to the top 50, give it a gander over on If I do get a chance to move on, I will need every vote I can get. Note: votes don't count until after Oct. 6, so read now, vote later :)

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