I seem to have a problem. I know that anyone that's been following me for a while is going to confusingly say 'just one' after a comment like that from me. That's why I love you guys; you know me so well.
I've finished writing Desma's story. Did I cry a few times during it? Yes. It's hard to end things when you've become invested in your characters' lives. I've been reading through Callie's story the last couple of days and to see where it began to where it ended was a bit emotional.
That kind of leads me to the specific problem I pointed out to start this post. I left multiple doors open to continue the story. I don't think I have the ability to end a story and not leave a way for me to pick it up later. That might be a good thing; I have no idea.
Anyway, Dessie's story is quite interesting. Hmm, an author saying their book is interesting. I'm sure that's the first time that's ever happened. It's no secret Desma isn't a fan of Adonis. Just looking at the guy, I have no clue how she couldn't be, but his past that never officially intersected with hers keeps him on the bench in her mind.
Adonis is a complicated little fellow in his own right. A god that has been treated over and over like nothing more than a pet, he wants the love he's always known was out there, but it is rather difficult to just grab on to it when she covers herself with spines.
Chances are good that things end happily ever after. I think that was the mood I was in when I wrote the book. That really makes me want to write something that isn't all nice and hea, like they say. I'm not sure what project I'll be moving onto next. I have three started and at least two others I really want to visit.
While I figure things out and finish the proofing of Desma, I've set up a giveaway in hopes one person will at least enter this time. Chances are this will be the last one because of the lack of interest and I'm tired of hitting buttons. Enter below for a chance to when an e-book set of Unlucky in Love in its entirety.
a Rafflecopter giveaway